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    fist 9 m m 1930 ¥ 2 > f Hr* 8* 8* ^ g m s « t { oo Jte*. 1* H* Goss * Ohaha X enclose letter from A Sg*X, loonl attends regarding «l*i* ftgi* damage# to She property of Joe Pittman who Uv« Just outside of the oity limits* The aireumstanoee in i m m m m & L with this ol&l» are ms follows! Mhmt XX 28 the night of itey one of the city sraploye# telephoned am that considerable water ws* running down Sket Stewart, and It looked like & broken main* X immediately contacted our night emergency oreir #!mi Investigated and found the plug had blown out of the 12~lnoh areas at the end of the X2*lnoh transmission sain between 11th and 12th streets on Stewart* the m l ® was shut off m m m m lioaaible and It m » wmmmfflf drain the line so the paug-#«mXd be replaced* This pi ng had been In pl^oe since July W m § end there vp* no apparent reason for the plug to moff out at the m& of the line other than normal ssrlatioi* in pressure during the night hours, when there Is little m t ® usage* there is o| of his house which ootftd be repaired with two or three loads of gravel* Since this damage oooured a ditch has been H a M along eedh side of Cedar Street to carry off further m l ® fro© rainfall or other sources* A, 8* Folgtsr