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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Omaha * April 1954 23M Subject: S.l. of water L»* T* M * I „ attaching a copy of Mr. Bennett's Utter to „ of April Ut and of hie Utter to Hr. Sutton of lurch »rd, suggesting that, In order to expedite the transfer, the uater system he transferred to the District at an arbitrary figure subject to adjustment when final accounting has been concluded after the eaU date, the papers to be placed in It aesns to ns that because of the minute accounting d.tails which will fluctuate from day te day, this is a desirable arrangement, and I recommend that Ur. Bennett be so adcised. Hr. Sutton advises orally that ho sees no objection. Flaase advise if you approve f o r m f