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% Mr. Reinhardt? W M . R. MAR 1952 Los Angeles, February 28, 1952 7534 Referring to your request that I confer with Messrs. Hugh Shamberger, State Engineer of State of Nevada, and C. H. Jameson, Artesian Well Supervisor of State of Nevada, re la tiv e to tran sferrin g a portion of LA&SLRRCo. water appropriation from Well No. 1 in the water f ie ld to LA&SLRRCo. Shop W ell, near the roundhouse, Las Vegas, Nevada? I have conferred with both these gentlemen, and they advise that in th e ir opinion the LA&SLRRCo., upon making app lic a tio n , would be granted the rig h t to transfer a l l or any portion of the LA&SLRRCofs water appropriation (2.5 c . f . s . ) from Well No. 1 to the Shop W ell, and the p r io r ity date of appropriation of water in Well No. 1, August 23, 1924, would be transferred along with the amount of water we wish to tran sfer, so that the p r io r it y date of the portion so transferred to the Shop Well would be August 23, 1924. I then asked each of them the follow ing questions? Q. Shop Well was d r ille d in 1921, and the casing, 12” in diameter, is approximately 31 years old. I f , a fte r portion of appropriation at Well No. 1 is transferred to Shop W ell, th is w ell should f a i l la te r as re su lt of casing ru stin g out, w ell caving in , or otherwise, would we be permitted to move to a point nearby and d r i l l a new w ell of same diameter without making the usual formal application fo r c e r tific a te and permit fo r d r i l l ing of a new w ell and without lo sin g our p rio rit y date fo r th is p a rticu la r w ell, which a fte r transfer of appropriation from Well No. 1 would be August 23, 1924? A. They advised that, in th e ir opinion, th is could be done, and upon re ce ip t of request to d r i l l such a w e ll, we would be authorized to do so and p r io r ity date of appropriation would remain August 23, 1924. Q. . I f w ell fa ile d , as stated above, could we d r i l l a new w ell nearby of larg er diameter, say 16” or 18” , i f we decided to do so, without making application fo r d r illin g of a new well? FEB 2 9 1952 i-0 Cl Oa