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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Ge o rge e . Brandow 9/ 5S3j \fJ AN D ROY G. JOHNSTON S T R U C T U R A L E N G IN E E R S 50 1 S O U T H B O Y L S T O N S T R E E T L O S A N G E L E S 13 May 19, 1947 Job No. 456 Re: Reservoir & Facilities, Las Vegas, Nevada / Union Pacific Railroad* 422 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, California Attention: Mr. Adamson Gentlemen: At the request of your Mr. Maag, we are turning over to you the original tracings on the has Vegas Reservoir job. We understand that you wish to make minor revisions to record the job "as installed The following tracings are attached: We will appreciate a complete record set of the drawings as revised by you. We trust the above is satisfactory. Sheets $1 through 9 which cover the details of the reservoir, settling basin, pump house, and fire pump house. Sheets 8A and 9A which cover revised details for the pump house and fire pump house using concrete blocks Sheet 1A which covers note specifications for form ties and spreaders Sheet 3A which covers revised downspout details Sheet 5A which covers revised vertical wall con­struct ion joint. A . W . R . MAY 2 4 1947 GEB/bim Copy - McNeil Construction Company h * A Attention: Mr. Frankenberger