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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    The regular neeting cf the . etoefcholdere <;£ the - Las ¥«g&# Land'and la te r Coaspaay m » held, in the n ffle e o f the Gos^any* ano at ita principal $>iaoe o f kusinese*,’ to w iii Boon S33 Pactiio llif t t r io Building* in the City o f Loe1 Angeles*' State of California# - on the lit h day o f 1eventoer* IgS gjjn t ,11 o ' slock sum* ; • In the sheenee' o f the President# Mr* fa lt e r S* Bracken# . jig ;; - Tlee->Pre»lde&t^:peeeided as ohaismn of the Meeting* S© inspectors having keen previouely appointed# on notion | duly sade end carried# Mr. C. 0* Barry «*# elected inspector to open and ©Ipse, the polio# receive and fake a l l hallote and proxies* end decide all; questions touching the qu alifioatioas o f voters* the v a lid ity o f the prexiee and acceptance or rejection © f: v e to e s * th is Those present and debiting, to p articip ate id ; the meeting ohte ? ascertained. end Chaixwsn requoeted - n il- holders'©? pr©xie»;t© . hand in eueh proxies* Thereupon such proxies veto, deposited v lth || the inspector* who reported that t h e f o l loving shares o f stock ware ?represented' at" the Meeting*:' t o v it t " 1111 1« S* Halatch and e* C. Barry Proxy lo t hoe A n gles d Salt Lake Sailro&d Company A. 8, p la te d j Valter jt§ Br&oken ?C*-0* Barry 1* Maguire i t is H i i t i l i i 488 shares g ehstte ?...3 shares f§|3 ? shares Proxy I fo r £* 1* 6aIvin j a »| In per eon m In pa reon i||tj| | ||| H In person In person tgo,':.ih©pe©t©r1 further*:? rtp#lH^;^that";h« hod; oinodned-tt#'® proxies presented# found then to he regular in fora end duly ere* noted, hy sa id 'p a tties reepeetfveiy#|a»d that there; veto presesg* ' or represented# 4ta shares# and afcsent psporteds.8 eharee o f .the .t o t a l o f. fiv e ; hundred issued and outstanding share# o f f he cap ital stock o f th is corporation* S a im a a thereupon declared 'that a «a | o r ity O f'the i ® » ue d and out standi ag shares o f' the capi­t a l stock o f th is eorporatioa.' vne present and represented at the e e o tln g *! The fd llo v ln g proceeding® vere then had &hd-Business transacted!