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    Case No Dept,JNo« IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTfiXOTlCOURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA i n IandIfor tbe*county ofI clark- :!® 8 10 11 In the Matter of the Estate of HYALINE ISTEWART' STAY, ' 7 ';W ^ il0 S Deoeased • '£? *hi -It' '* • ~ - /-'* '.*»••.’g y f y t j j j f / j f ?*-? - r * * *e^**. r w f l i A - ?• ?- * . : ‘*I.if'*{ji:‘.' 5* •’&§!?&&.ifi . j yjcPafc I E N D O R S £ D M. GERTRUDE gf§M$ 8y,, FRANCES McCAULEY .„ 12 13 PRTITIONlFOR SLITTERS OF ADMINISTRATION 14 15 16 17 20. 21 ‘22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 To theiHonorablelDlatrict Court o f the lEighthi Judicial ? ;?/ • ? ? . ... ? ^ V - . . ‘ .'v- - . :'?-'. D is t r ie t fo f th e S ta te fo f Nevada||f Inland f o r the County of-C lark ; The: p e titio n of|CLARENCI| STAY*!JR M re speotfttll y I shows t§|f sStf S That^Evaline StewartStay|died Intestate^onior about the 1st day of August® I§l^|in the|County of|Clark* State of ^Nevada;' th stlsaid deceased at^the time|of |her deathjwas a resident of said County../OfICls'rjt, and|le^,-es^te|th®reiB-M eoasisting of real/"and i l personal propst*y,:- the §valuejfand o h a fac ierlo f * said property and |h®. prohahls... r© v#&© fther©from a re a s "f oilows’V'.:' .to; ®wi%'r / .. >.. jTr;?,*. '~v?', *V<‘f‘- ’wwSi^iv'*^ ;?• ?’ S . ?<(-V i^ ^ S ^ T - 'o '..'?•"»V-'..^*7’ ? v/7/i^ ' • .i7*- r ^ y- -^•;>:'/%;«'*j‘ r**y ® » ,• . 'f ~ \t. , * S tfe. • " • ??'>.• • .• ? • • ' . - -? . ' ? ? - ?* ?. .-v^ jr'-j?irT*Rm*'' '-a 1 w 7^? . jBSj&t 6 i&y . . - i " * a L t V y * . , ?»». .? -r -^awgr ? ’.^•^T;*'' *^^eTgyFvTOHHay 3 «•;!l F*^# w v v . i - 1 ••*-- , . * } » J * ; y " -yf~>y; %:* -J^ ?!'-~ .^' -‘_*° ~tf ’ v^f°' ? •'*>'*Tl ' ??-.. *v? - .n *i. ‘ i ' v *;. .rVV"’ W :r::;/ Lots:-. 23»| .24- and 25MBlook 15,|Williaias|i|il|:|S|lf '- ’ -as per: Plat| recordedlin Book llo flP la t a a t . Page 123 f [Clark County, Nevada , ?records, iSub^ect to ^ p H Ia| D eed | o fs Trust|securing.Alaste-tnl'favor^:-.:o f ' ?- ; -\ ? B, |L.*i Youngl andl w if e J| upon - whi oh - there: rema ins : %apS'id'vth© ' sum of $2750.00, orlthereaboutsiiof ^ ^ ^ B t h e ’ value |of2$7|000*00.®All|thefhouaehold^furnl- ,.'tiir®., in t f c ;a:for® a.ald Ipremiaea lof ?"the|.value|of -|§l3o0w00.i|or thereabouts.v.:. JR& M ' i S K . « 'jf r S .JS -3^ v • ? -? LfregttlariLots 6 and 7 vis./-Bioo3c 5 5 • ir r e g iila r :'//?/?; lo t 16® Block >6; ir r e g u la r R lo t lo , jB lock 8,; and ® ':;irr@'gui’a.r L ot - .5 * ? Bloe;k ...2,-; - a 11.. lit:' H.,I? ,M, &:.M .; : Addition to the C ity of|Laa Yegas, Clark County,a Nevada^:all|tmiiBproved,|of the value2of $200.00, A •'portion o f ifS|, o f Sl^^and a portion ©f SW3- of S lt lih Seotion 291 Township 21 South, Hangs.62 &| la s t ;,- if &l | - ®S| and NW|Nli - of |Seotlon p ;31s Towriship"21 SouthilRaage 62 last., M.., o f the valuei'of' $300.00. 32