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    I g j ' 1 1 ' | . ? 1 1 ; I;,; ^ -m s tmkV: & m um warn. m m s s t Statement shoeing ertiaated anouafca refandaBi# aader pretest Sale §~A and pro?08<td rule in connection aith Tsurioua water terries project*, , ' > J - 'A;; '? W V •' : ' v.. t • f ' v i > 7 '? ? ? I** feg**,-;{,»efada, , .'-. ''' ’ ? ? . ? ..?Ir. . ?' V II *ater Water Pepesit CaBjeot U m > Oo a* i ... §* ? I ; ? Anoaat iefhaded lo t. Total Kefand ProBeBle Befaad ^ SnBdivider Maes S to strueted 0earonera!f| to Present Proposed fropertr Served ___SSfiE*. Refund ^JkJU.___ Present ^aB. neat.,Ari<>z§* ,JBJULfcA.. , M i ,;, ,M@ • I n t ........ ......... ................. . . XOa* 'fraakll* Blk*.1,2,3 T«ga Tsrde 4-41 #4 762 2 700 Hfi 40- 46 46 #2 711 i 8 740 t 4 060 fre*. $ 4 060 Assad ea. 100$ develops* at dsriag 10-jrsex period. 0.3.B. 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W* Ogatrell Blk 2$ * • 4-47 2 140 660 W- 19 19 I 20 Si 427 P * 140 2 140 % | 2 140 Satin* te oosplete relhad ea either Basis Seaaata Lodge Blk 6, Unfair #2 4-47 4 19$ l 250 ill 7 12 623 2 900 1 090 9-A |2.900 Based ea developing 60$ of resaiaiag property 0, Van lottos fraot 3, B£6A $-47 1 929 TOO 25 .26 26 423 1 923 1 92$ Prep, 1 929 .:Sstia»te replete relhad oa either Basis H« fan Lydegraf Blk 1$, tsdd $-47 1 920 400 $f f§ 12 16 109 1 120 1 920 '• 91 1 1 920 Based ea develepiag 80$ of reaaiaing property Charles too Properties Blk 21, Pioneer $-47 1 214 4$0 64 64 64 1 006 1 214 1 214 & M »| 1 214 - BsUaate eoaplete refund ea either Basie lorooo Shldler Woodland fork 10-47 l 220 490 8 12 If 106 i 220 1 220 • m ilSSf 1 220 a 17 h •» # - » Couaty Of Clark Charleston Bled. 10-47 12 2$$ $ 126 20 96 40 1 66$ 12 *66 $ 600 9-A 12 25$ Bssed ea developing 60$ ef reaaiaing property 4. X. SoatXaH Bike 6 4 l0,%nrfair#2 11-47 9 164 97* 20 24 *6 227 ill * 800 $ 164 ?rep. 3 164 m w - m go$ |»' «? f C. foa Bettes fraot $, BBHA ill! 12-47 2 006 700 9 12 20 26 98 1 600 2 006 m 2 006 » w ** 60$ # ?» w Catholic Blshop-Reao Blk 12, hadd 12-47 749 $00 4 4 4 96 749 60O 9 - A M 749 |, Is Unate eos^lste refund aader Sale 9-A B* Woody Blk 26, Utk St.Adda t-46 1 226 460 11 12 1* 149 1 226 1 226 Prep. ; 1 226 • , !|$| |f ea either Basis lotollo ll Boat* Blk S, Sotlltt 6-46 2 $16 740 ' 20 26 If 1 800 2 618 | !? 2 618 i Based ea develepli^ 60$ ef renaiaiag property Treat 1 or Xj*prove»ant Co. So. 5th St. Berolepnt 7-46 12 060 * 787 4 12 19 4$ 6 000 2 6O0 9-A 6 O0O fe; '#,«'?•. « 80$ , # * *,. $• H* Baker -Westwood Bark 7-4$ 6 70$ 2 200 r* 4 18 82 1@ 1 2CC 2 700 f»P- I 2 700 * ** ** 1 - 60$ # w *, 0*ntr#ll~%edy-Sri g m 14 Blk 17, 14th St. 6-46 1 929 690 $ 18 24 21 1 100 1 929 96 1 929 e * ? ' * ... ,, 60$ ** ''I#'.''* 1«* Togas Sofeool Sistrfet iSaartss Acres 9-46 2 692 860 1 1 1 $®. 19 900 1$7 9-4, ;' 900 laved ea 96 co rousers-fan Shipley Ckestwoed 11-46 17 61$ $ 200 u 36 86 $ 9 900 | 120 Prep* *1$ 120 90$ eeeapaaay lie hard Toieaa (B*ttBon Specktor) Blk », Xaffalr f£ 12-46 2 622 720 $ 6 19 . - TOO 1 400 99 1 400 Based ea developing 60$ Of renalaing property Kastoreraft Hoses. lae. Hillside Plsoe 12-46 1 726 $04 0 24 47 SsSisf'i- 1 726 1 726 f. ft | g|fe|f 1 726 /tstlarote complete reffcnd o» either Basis Waale, Caaplaa 4 tiBerti Bonaasa Villmgs 6-49 61 667 24 398 Cl 20 90 176 il"*' M 1$ $0® 11 260 9-A 14 406 Based on 60$ develepnsat daring 10-year period latoilo @» Bean Ilk 4, Bohlitt Md, 6-49 9 110 904 4a* 26 26 HI 2 800 i 3 n o Trap. 3 110 Based on 26 eoasencre - 90$ eomtpanoy £. Too fattoa fraot S, 8BHA $bwI 1 .'OS» 1 9 620H 1 030 -1 Slit 26 *6 2 800 | 620 ’ 3 520 * w 26 • , . 90$ " lell*n*ein 4 WeadelBoe WoUcasaia 4 leadel-hoe fr. - 1-49 6 460 1 $80 9 » £4 24 ? : ?mii 2 600 4 920 : " | 91 # 1 920 # '; : » gj| *»- 90^ ” Basert Flasa Apartneat* Blk $, ^addjf,^ 6-49 g 1 940 |l|!t 630 ' ? •; ? 8? 86 '.ee 1 940 1 940 99 , 1 940 «? * 18 |*. 90$ ** Contractor a Eeuipneat 4 • •* -• tff ffU't dl 4BL 91- a suit «#, "ttglW#.* §0$ * ****&&&& We. JWW6 *9Xjp ?*MhJFJ*-***3F .!?*»? Breacsad. Additional Frpjeet* ’ 9*»mw w IW5V - *% W ,5?OV 8. <1. Peterson Baeaa Tista Add, ? $ 660 1 073 - -? y 26 mm- . 2 700 3 660 3 660 Based on 29 eenstsaera - 90$ oecaprocy Reuben Speck ter Charia*ton #2 9 300 2 4$0 ? *» 4? 47 ea't 6 100 0 900 , tr.,- 8 906 s- 1 4f I | Xa«toreraft Soros, lae. 17th St.,Chariestoa^o• ? pppi 1 m 400 1 7 7 — 760 1 $20 4# 1 920 wMBr;, 71|;|) * j||g;|||j 9Cp> ft ;f$ ft fhelaa-haae i 1 2 010 600 , » "5 is 12 •a 1 800 2 019 .9$ 2 010 « M Jg * gy$ •» toaolllni Coasts. Co. Paradise 7dll«r 96 OO0 8 906 eh ’ 200 200 21 600 36 006 $$? Si 36 6O0 .... *• * *00 '. '"" 90$ ;? ;"w; ", 2r»na Totals $266 68S $140694 fl6C 932 fl?9 039