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    jpj A P P E N D IX B L A S V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R D IS T R IC T A C T (Chap. 167 of Nevada Statutes, 1947, as amended by Chap. 130 of Nevada Statutes, 1949, and Chap. 307 of Nevada Statutes, 1951.) A N A C T to create a w ater district in the Las V ega s valley, Clark County, N evada; to provide for the procurem ent, storage, distribution and sale o f w ater and rights in the use thereof from Lake M ead for industrial, irrigation, municipal, and dom estic u ses; to provide for the conservation o f the ground-w ater resources o f the Las V egas valley, and to create authority to purchase, acquire and construct the necessary w orks to carry out the provisions o f this a ct; to provide for the issuance o f district b o n d s ;. to provide for the levy o f taxes for the paym ent o f operation and m a i n t e n a n c e expenses and to supplem ent other revenues available for the paym ent o f principal o f and interest on such bonds o f said district; granting said district the franchise to carry on its operations in m unicipal corporations within its boundaries; exem pting the property and bonds of said district from ta xa tion ; validating the creation and organization of said d istrict; and for other purposes related thereto. (T itle as amended, Chap. 130, N evada Statutes, 1949.) The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. A w ater district m ay be created in the Las V egas valley, as hereinafter provided for, for the follow in g objects and purposes: 1. T o have perpetual succession. 2. T o sue and be sued in the name of said district in all actions and proceedings in all courts and tribunals o f com petent jurisdiction. 3. T o adopt a seal and alter it at pleasure. 4. T o take b y grant, purchase, gift, devise, or lease, or otherw ise, and to hold, use, enjoy, and to lease, or dispose of real or personal property o f every kind within or w ithout the district necessary or convenient to the full exercise of its pow er. 5. T o acquire, b y purchase, lease, construction, or otherwise, or contract to acquire, lands, rights of w ay, easements, privileges, and property o f every kind, w hether real or personal, and to construct, maintain, and operate any and all w orks or im provem ents within or w ithout the district necessary or proper to carry out any o f the objects or purposes of this act, and to com plete, extend, add to, repair, or otherw ise im prove any w orks or im provem ents or property acquired b y it as authorized by this act. 6. T o store water in surface or underground reservoirs within the district for the com m on benefit o f the d istrict; to conserve and reclaim water for present and future use within the d istrict; to appropriate and acquire w ater and w ater rights, and im port w ater into the district, and to conserve same within the district, for any useful purpose to the d istrict; to com m ence, maintain, intervene in, and com prom ise in the name o f the district, or otherwise, and to assume the costs and expenses of any action or proceeding involving or affecting the ow nership or use o f waters or w ater rights within the district used or useful for any purpose o f the district or o f com m on benefit to any land situated therein, or involving the w asteful use o f water therein; to com m ence, maintain, intervene in, defend, and com prom ise, and to assume the cost and expenses of, any and all actions and proceedings n ow or hereafter b e g u n ; to prevent interference with or dim inution o f ; to prevent contam ination, pollution or otherw ise rendering unfit for beneficial use o f the surface or subsurface w ater used in said district, and to com m ence, maintain, and defend actions and proceedings to prevent any such interference w ith the aforesaid waters as m ay endanger or dam age the inhabitants, lands or use of water in the district. 1 7. T o have and exercise in the State o f N evada the right of eminent domain, either within or w ithout said district, and in the manner provided by law for the condem nation o f private property for public use, to take any property necessary to carry out any of the objects or purposes o f this act, whether such property be already devoted to the same use b y any district or other public corporation or agency or otherwise, and to condem n any existing w orks or im provem ents in said district n ow or hereafter used. T he pow er of eminent domain vested in the board o f directors o f said district shall include the p ow er to condem n, in the name of the district, either the fee sim ple or any lesser estate or interest in any real property w hich said board by resolution shall determine is necessary for carrying out the purposes of this act. Such resolution shall be prim a-facie evidence that the taking of the fee sim ple or easement, as the case may be, is necessary. 8. T o enter upon any land, to make surveys and locate the necessary w orks o f im provem ent and the lines for channels, conduits, canals, pipelines, roadw ays, and other rights o f W ay; to acquire by purchase, lease, contract, condem nation, gift, or other legal means, all lands and water and water rights and other property necessary or convenient for the construction, use, supply, maintenance, repair, and im provem ent o f said works, including w orks constructed and being constructed b y private owners, lands for reservoirs for storage o f necessary water, and all necessary appurtenances, and also where necessary or convenient to said end, and for said purposes and uses, to acquire and hold the stock of corporations, dom estic or foreign, ow n ing water or water rights, canals,, waterw orks, franchises, concessions, or rights; to enter into and do any acts necessary or proper for the perform ance of any agreem ent w ith the U nited States, or any state, county, district of any kind, public or private corporation, association, firm or individual, or any num ber of them, for the joint acquisition, construction, leasing, ownership, disposition, use, managem ent, maintenance, repair, or operation of any rights, w orks, or other property of a kind w hich m ight be law fully acquired or ow ned by said water d istrict; to acquire the right to store water in any reservoirs, or to carry water through any canal, ditch or conduit not ow ned or controlled by the d istrict; to grant to any ow ner or lessee the right to the use of any water or right to store such water in any reservoir of the district, or to carry such water through any tunnel, canal, ditch, or conduit of the d istrict; to enter into and do any acts necessary or proper for the perform ance o f any agreem ent w ith any district of any kind, public or private corporation, association, firm or individual, or any num ber of them, for the transfer or delivery to any such district, corporation, association, firm, or individual of any water right or water pum ped, stored, appropriated, or otherw ise acquired or secured for the use of the said district, or for the purpose of exchanging the same for other water, water right, or water supply in exchange for water, water right, or water supply to be delivered to said district by the other party to said agreem ent; to cooperate with, and to act in conjunction with, the State of Nevada, or any o f its engineers, officers, boards, com m issions, departments, or agencies, or with the governm ent of the United States, or any o f its engineers, officers, boards, com m issions, departments, or agencies, or with any public or private corporation, in the construction of any w ork for the im portation and distri­bution o f water o f said district, or for the protection of life or property therein, or for the purpose o f conserving said waters for beneficial use within said district, or in any other w orks, acts, or purposes provided for herein, and to adopt and carry out any definite plan or system o f w ork for any such purpose. 9. T o carry on technical and other investigations of all kinds, make measurements, collect data, and make analyses, studies, and inspections pertaining to water supply, water rights, control of floods and use o f water, both within and w ithout said district, and for this purpose said district shall have the right o f access through its authorized representative to all lands and premises within said district. 10. T o incur indebtedness and to issue bonds in the manner herein provided. 11. T o cause taxes to be levied and collected for the purpose of paying any obligation o f the district during its organizational stage, including necessary engineering costs and further to assist in the operational expenses o f said district until such taxes are no longer required therefor. 12. T o supplem ent the ground-w ater resources of Las ;Vegas valley b y the im portation and use of the waters of Lake Mead, under the N evada allocation, for industrial, irrigation, municipal, and dom estic uses. 13. T o make contracts, and to em ploy labor, and to do all acts necessary for the full exercise o f all pow ers vested in said district, or any o f the officers thereof, b y this act. 2