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    UtS V«g«* ** If# 1953 | Ur* M* Q«isp1s»X| # CfMlaas&a# ' m § 0 m h m of %'tga* Water S&etrlot X|| hth Street boo: Mr. Wa. Reinhardt I## ?#§&§* Speeds Mr* K. S* Bennett Star nr* Ses^fcells 1 «« *tttoa&tt&aff onnXA«I and fea r m p l m « f s l e t t e r to Pard*o»Rb411i r * <S*m tru st la s Oo«^«ii3| •WtoWtidOt* » f fteoM&soo Lm feses* i » ? A , wtileh refers to®lm o f water mine o f tho L&# f«g*o load ant ^otor CooBMuay* roqwootod txar the f»*rdee*Plillilpe doaotraaSStiai Goap*9&$ Aotoils of ? wlieli fere reflected in *D etail* of Eetiaafed doted &«l?tm h m I f * 1953, together with laoA*i<m p r is t aontteifcod t d w . CSoootttiotie® of Ifet water » l » Is eahfoot to effrroreX by esteemtire* of the h m Vegeo L»ht «M Water So^peay* the ettoohod l e t t e r b&« Sae* reqaeoted b j fM otraattoft f lf e lf e ' #t * rowflLt of * i f this l*o» feg®* $$$$«& of City €«8®Bl*»loft'Or« * that the- S a M itM tr 0’eear* * le t t e r froK tk# Water e te tia g that I t t f ill extend i t * m l # otoino to *td3dlvi*loo proposed W thou, prior to tt » offtoioX opprooiA o f th eir oolti&tialoA# j f the eonotniotioii of u tte r so la* roflpteotoi I f PtirtMt* Phillip# <fca» truotl.fim &o*po*qr I# opswrotoi by th* S io trio t §*# totwr | » « g f osooutiroo# the eoot thoareof# i f oo»*trwotoft# w ill be *#Set %a the b a il* purchase price wader the t m e of agreement 1X3S2 dated June 1 , 19£5# eeeorlag f e t s a l* of the water storage |gj§ dittritoatieii epsiest to the DXetriet* I «k therefor# tending gen herewith three oopiee o f ear *®otoil of Is'tim tid .EEp#mi.iture#® wttoli ohooo the eetJUteted ooet eofi the oon&itioao under whioli sold water m X m w ill i» o»i»trooted. 1 aloe oubKdttiog herewith, two eepiee o f oar Drawing B S M doted &ent«#fe*r S* If$ 3 # abrndag Xee»ii«h and #ii# of |>rm»o»ed water i*i»§«