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I agree.S alt Lake- C ity , March 26th, 1905 has Yegas Townsite Company. Mr. J.Ross C la rk , Second Vice-Pres;. S .P.L.A .& ’ S.L.P. ,R.Co. , Los A n geles, C a lifo r n ia . Dear S i r :- I have your l e t t e r o f the 23rd in s ta n t, en closin g copy o f communication from:Mr.Gibbon upon the su bject o f prompt d ea lin g w ith lo t s and tow n site a t Las Vegas. I concur in the view that i t is important to proceed promptly to the s a le o f these lo t s to persons d e s irin g to purchase, and no b e tte r method occurs to me fo r handling th is m atter b efo re the o rg a n iza tio n o f the proposed r e a l estate company, and the tra n s fe r to i t o f the tow n site and the obtain in g a r e le a s e o f the lands in the tow n site from the mortgage lie n , than t o .g iv e the in ten din g purchasers con tra cts along the lin e s suggested by Mr.Gibbon. I see no reason:'why the plan ou tlin ed in his. l e t t e r cannot ?be•proceeded w it h , and I recommend that such a c tio n be taken* Prompt a c tio n in th is matter seems to be necessary, in view o f the sales o f lo t s goin g on in the other town, popu larly known as "Rag Town". Yours t r u l y , (Signed) W .H .Bancroft. CG - M r.W illiam Iiood*