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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V sM February 8, 195^ 80-12 Mr. Robert A. Allen, Chairman Public Service Commission State of Nevada Carson City, Nevada Dear Mr. Allens Referring to correspondence relative to the tariff water rate assessed against Las Vegas Building Materials, operated by Mr. J. R. Henderson in Las Vegas, In order to close this matter pending acquisition of the Water Company by the Water District, I have arranged with Mr. Maag to file a new tariff sheet for the particu­lar Item covering Mr. Henderson's industry, which will also Include Young & Smith. As you know, Mr. Henderson has certain facilities there which are Included in certain other tariff items, namely: office water facilities, and public water closets. These items will not be changed, but the basic rate of $50.00 for water used in connection with operation of those plants will be reduced ao that the total monthly charge to Mr. Henderson, effective March 1st if the Com­mission sees fit to put the tariff into effect immediately, will be approximately $38.00 a month, as suggested in your letter of January 27th. As soon as I have received the necessary informa­tion from Mr. Maag, a new tariff sheet will be filed covering this particular rate. Yours very truly, cc - J.R.Henderson L.R.Maag s. i. Bennett C.M.Cory WmSeinhardt EEB: ps