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    CAPITAL STOCKS « ^ 1 § ^ Give particulars called for concerning the several classes and issues of capital stocks of the respondent outstanding at the close of the year, and make all necessary explanation iu footnotes. For the purpose of this report, securities are considered to be actually issued when sold to a bona fide purchaser for a valuable consideration and such purchaser holds C lass o f stock (a ) P a r value per share ( b ) T otal Number op Shares N u m ber o f shares reacquired and held b y or for respondent (e) N u m ber o f shares T o ta l am ount o f capital stock N u m b er o f Stockholders (h ) R em arks Authorized (i) (c ) A ctu ally issued (d ) actu ally outstanding a t end o f year ( f ) actually outstanding at en d o f year $ (g) 4 Common 100 500 *500 mm •500 1 / < 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 T o t a l-. UNMATURED LONG TERM DEBT Give the particulars called for concerning * the several unmatured long term debt liabilities of the respondent outstanding at the end of the year, as defined in the Uniform Classification of Accounts. Show each issue separately, and make all necessary explanations in footnotes. For definitions of securities actually issued and actually outstanding see the preceding schedule. N a m e o f liability fa ) Face value o f indebtedness authorized $ ( b ) 4 N om in al date o f issue (c ) D a te o f m aturity (d ) Interest Provisions . Face value o f am ount held b y or for respondent t (e) 4 F ace value o f am ount actually outstanding at end o f year $ (h ) 4 Interest D uring Y ear R a te % per annum (e ) D ates d u e ( f ) Accrued $ (i) 4 A ctu ally paid $ (J) 4 - T o ta l.— l / No attempt has been made to segregate Capital Stock as between various operations o f the Company* Annual Report to the State Public Service Commission