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I agree.• 2 - VCost of Producing Haw Water - Las Vegas, Nevada - 1940; , Valuation; Right of Way- Housing over Big Spring and IS" BG pipe 16" W3 Pipe Line 16" Cl Pipe Line WO 1402 16" Cl Pipe line l B ^ S S * Well # 1 24" and 16" Wood stave line Ventilators on spring house 12" G I Pipe from little spring 2,500,000 Gal Reservoir 24" Cl Pipe line tf-ns 12" x 802* Well & 12",16",24" pipe line ~-^200 Acres and 2 Addl Wells 1940 WO 1557 255*55 5,857*80 5,850*21 20,507*99 5,197*95 6,109*22 8,267*54 125*44 6,010*25 5,256*54 65,856*64 61,555*11 19,877*57 X . 50.458*95 / J* d , ; 255,126.56 Physical changes during 1940 WO 1557 - Purchase 200 acres additional land and dril3@ additional wells and make miscl. improvements. Cost of producing water 1940* Interest 6 per-cent of $255,126*56 Reserve 4 per-cent pf 255,126*56 Insurance — Estimated faxes - Estimated Repairs « Labor Repairs - Material Estimated Supplies - Estimated Recondition Well No*2 and clean middle Spring 14,107*58 9,405*05 40*00 4,200*00*^ 104*07 100*00 10.00 5.868*02 . ^ -- ------ $ i85,8S4*72^^,?r- 55.854*72 3- 2,008,755,600 1*68456 cents per M Gallons M I >o I £ 7 8 ® 6 osT To RKOo.