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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Section | hereof. first partias# m& eaeh of them, hereby assign to the Mairteb, effective upon the sale date, and tea District hereby agrees to assume, effeotlv# i9«n tha salt date, all ofeMgations and liabilities accruing for work performed to said sale date under any such contract® which imm set tees eo«plately performed by ail parties thereto on or prior to the sal® date. She parties hereto agree to execute and deliver each farther in* strwmenb® and stooumnbm to make effective said as* aignwmt® by First farbiea and the maMptime of Steh obligations and liabilities by the Statelet as nay he requested by any party hereto. £b) the actual eeet of labor and material and other amounts expended fey First Parties, or any «f them, during th® period# September 1# If ft, to and Including the sale date for additions and better* mats to or extension of the said water production# transmission M distribution facilities construet- ed fey first Parties, m amp of them, with their mm |areas. (s) fhe amount expended fey Water Company# or any »uec®»sor in ownership of its water distribution system, during the period, September 1, If St# to and including the sale date for addition® and tebteiwaanb® to or extensions of its dteteifemfclaa system above wan* ?