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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las V ega s, Nevada July 1, 1954 9:08 A . M . Las V egas V alley W ater D istrict Las V ega s, Nevada A ttention: M r. Thom as A . C am p bell, P resid en t R e: Our O rder N o. LV 35569 L as V egas Land and W ater Com pany D istribu tion S ystem G entlem en: Attafjfljiid h ereto, m ark ed "E xh ibit A ", is a lis t of easem ents granted to the L as V egas Land and W ater C om pany fo r pipe lin es loca te d on private p rop erty , w hich easem ents pertain to the distribution lin es o f the L as V egas Land and W ater C om pany at L as V ega s, Neva<la, together with re serv a tion s o f easem ents and excep tion s o f w ater rights as contained in deeds execu ted by the Las V egas Land and W ater C om pany. This rep ort is b a sed upon in form ation w hich we b eliev e to be c o r r e c t . H ow ever, the lia b ility assu m ed by this com pany is lim ited to the amount o f the fee ch arged fo r this re p o rt. R SD :jm d