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Las Vegas City Ordinances, November 13, 1950 to August 6, 1958, lvc000015-439


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    8. For a hotel liquor license the sum of $375.00 per quarter, provided that any hotel maintaining more than one bar shall pay an additional amount of $375.00 per quarter for each bar in excess of one in number and shall pay in addition the sum of $300.00 per quarter for each service bar main­tained in such hotel. 9. For a service bar license in a restaurant or casino the sum of $300.00 per quarter. 10. For a special events license for the sale of beverages the sum of $10.00 per day, and for a special events license for the sale of liquor of sum of $25.00 per day. An applicant not previously licensed shall pay with the application the license fee set forth hereinabove for the appropriate type applied for, covering a one year period. After a licensee shall have held a license for one year, said license fee may be paid quarterly in advance therefor. SECTION 11. Section 25, Chapter 16, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949, is hereby amended to read as follows: No permit or license shall be granted for the sale of intoxicating beverages unless the same shall face and have its main entrance from a designated street. SECTION 12. Section 28 of Chapter 16, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949 is hereby amended to read as follows: No permit granted or license issued under this chapter, can be assigned or transferred. In the event an establishment shall discontinue business for more than sixty (60) days without the specific consent of the Board of Commissioners, the license shall be revoked. SECTION 13. Any ordinance or part of ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 14. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its final reading and adoption, and final publication as in the next section provided. SECTION 15. The City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas shall cause this ordinance to be published once a week for two successive weeks immediately following its first reading and adoption in the Las Vegas Review Journal, a daily newspaper pub­lished in the City of Las Vegas. APPROVED: /s/ C.D. BAKER ATTEST: C.D. BAKER, Mayor /s/ SHIRLEY BALLINGER SHIRLEY BALLINGER, City Clerk The above and foregoing ordinance was first proposed and read by title to the Board of Commissioners on the 2nd day of February, 1955 and referred to the following committee composed of Commissioners Jarrett and Whipple for recommendation; thereafter it was referred to Commissioners Fountain and Whipple for recommendation on the 15th day of June, 1955, thereafter the said com­mittee reported favorably on said ordinance on the 6th day of January, 1956, which was the re­cessed regular meeting held on said day, and at said recessed regular meeting held on said day, the proposed ordinance was read in full to the Board of Commissioners as amended, and adopted by the following vote: Voting "Aye": Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and Mayor Baker. Voting ”Nay": None Absent: None APPROVED: ATTEST: /s/ C.D. BAKER_______________ C.D. BAKER, Mayor /s/ SHIRLEY BALLINGER SHIRLEY BALLINGER, City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NEVADA, ) COUNTY OF CLARK ) ss. A.F. SCHELLACK, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Foreman of the LAS VEGAS REVIEW- JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, of general circulation, printed and published at Las Vegas, in the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the attached was continuously published for a period of two (2) insertions from January 15, 1956 to January 22, 1956 inclusive, being the issues of said news­paper for the following dates, to-wit: January 15, 22, 1956. That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated on each of the dates above names. /s/ A.F. SCHELLACK Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of January, 1956 /s/ NEOLA GIERHART NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA My Commission Expires April 14, 1957