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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    / 7 f - 5L £. E & JUL 23 195b Los Angeles - July 20,/ 1956 W.Q. 52 Mr. Calvin M* Cory - Las Vegas / ( cc - Mr* E. E. Bennett } Referring to your letter of July Id, 1956 relative the attached form for filing proof of completion in connection with permit No* 15754 for drilling of shop well at Las Vegas, Nevada as covered by Work Order 5294, which was completed February 27, 1956. to be shown on this proof. Evidently Permit No. 15754 was filed to show the cost of the well only estimated $21,900.00 however, the actual contract payment to the Contractor was $21,944.14- On the other hand, if all other facilities installed under this authority should be shown on this proof, data included on proof for Permit No, 15140 forwarded to you with my letter of June 13, 1956 should be shown. There is some doubt as to the proper data V. W« Smith