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I agree.m % 19 51 V 1&-1~12-A 401 Las VSeoguatsh, SeNecvoandda street Mr* Howard V« Cannon, C ity Attorney C ity nati I ® Vegas, Nevada A ttn i Hr* Hale ton 0* Hawkins 6 1 % Attorney Dear Nr* Cannons Referring to your le t t e r of April 17, oonoemlng the aosquito nulsanoe In the v ic in it y of the Stewart School and north of the Naval S la c k s * We have investigated th is s itu a tio n and fin d the eoadttlen e x p la in e d of la w ith in the parcel o f land form erly owned ter the Stewart family* Seed oonveying the Ranch to the Las Vegas tend and Water Coseany reserved to the Stewarts the 4 aere parcel of land together w ith 4 a in e r's inohee of water to he delivered to the p&reel fo r Ir rig a tio n porpoeee* X m advised the land and water rig h ts were re ce n tly sold by the su rvivin g h e ir who now resides in Utah and X believe the name and address o f ths present owners san be obtained from the County Recorder* office# iftider the term* o f the deed* we are obligated to d e liv e r the water to the parcel of land bat the ase of sash water le under the oontrol of the property owner* Tru stin g the above inform ation stay be of ease help to you, Z remain Very tru ly yours, Secretary