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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Bates - Los Angeles VLa s2 3V-1eg-1a3s4 - JanVua r2y3 -61,- 1129654 V 23-1-89 H 23-1-71 v 23-1-89 v 23-1-101 00: Hr. Wm. Reinhardt I aa attaching hereto for your further handling the foil ow­ing documents whloh cover various extensions of water mains made hy the Lae Vegas Land and Water Company: covering wa1.t erP olic—y oinfs ttiatlllee dI nisnu Braonucled,e rP oDlainc Hyo n#LeVs-i3t2a7 A0d0 dition treat 6, Block 1, Las Vegas, Nevada, pursuant to Agreement ?H'L.D. 2747 dated November S, 1953- installed i2.n WeGuaatrlaenitgehet, TProaclti cNyo .# L4V,- 3L0a2s56 Vceogavae,r iNnegv wadaat,e rp umrasinusa nt to Agraanant ‘H'L.D. 2762 dated July 31, 1953. installed i3.n BGouualrdasnrt eDea,n PHooalsiaclyt #sL AVd-d32i6t9io9n o otvrearcltn gA ,w atBelroc mka i3n,s Las Vegaa. Nevada, pursuant to Agreement ‘H'L.D. 2708 dated November 16, 1953- installed I4.n HGyudaer aPnatreke ,S uPbodliviicsyi 6o1nV -(232, 7L0a8s c oVvegearai,n g Nweavtadear, mPaiunrss uant to Agraanant ‘H'L.D. 2691 dated June 30, 1953. installed 5I.n HyGudaer aPnatreke ,S uPbodliviicsyi JoLnV H-o3.2 7038, -LAa so ovVeegralan,g wNaetvaedra ,m ains pursuant to Agraanant ‘H'L.D. 2749 dated December 4, 1953- 6. Guarantee, Polloy #32642 ooverlng water mains to Wbael doomnasnt Arvueontueed, ILna Os raVenggaeaw,o oNde Dvardiav,e pbuetrwseueann t Etdgoa Awgoroede Amveenntu e'H a'nL.dD . 2740 dated November 10, 1953. Knola. L. R. Maag MSDsrr