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V Annual Report to the State Public Service Commission 13 i GENERAL STATISTICS 1. Source of water supply................ .................. . i l l i j i B M ..................................... 2. Maximum amount of water available-..............3 ,9 2 .3 -,X 3 3 .,.Q 3 2 .fia llQ .n .S ....(& C .tU .a l_p rod U ction fro® a lI_S O U rC ^ S ,) 3. Total, wat^r pumped or diverted from stream...N£nC...................................... ........ ............................ ................................................ 4. Total water sold or metered.............................. 3,-8* 1 9 ,7 3 4 * 2 1 2 . g a l l o n s ...................................... ....................................... 5. Total water unaccounted for............................. .........................................................................................................................-?......* 6. Collecting canals and supply mains (feet) : Size, inches In use first of year In use at end of year None 7. Transmiss^ji (ja<w4iB};( Size, inches and H eln t'oC oacoC agt, J,ror* T r a n s it s O tee' . & R e in fo C o n e .C a s t I r o n T r a n s it s S t e e l in *ctU 10 ( 37 f t . f f . 1 . 985 f t . ( 37 f t j t „ i . 9 8 5 ...f t .. _____ _____ 12 (1 2 1 7 f t . ( C o n ) 325 5 f t o___ .3.932 _ f t » _____ X l2 X 7 f t a ( C o n ) 3255 f t » 3 9 3 2 f t . _____ 1A 3559 f t .AS f: If 355.9_ft_.__Al.f t 16 8 5 6 4 f t * 3607. f t , _ .... ___ _________ ..8 5 -6 A ft ,_ _ 3 6 Q ? _ jst . _____ ... US _____ „ 8 5 g f t , _____ ______ ____ ________________-______ J S S X ffc .— _ .... .................................. 2 0 A 5 2 ft_.....M i l -:: & & 5 A £ i.--.............................20A-5-2 - ft-a 1831 f t ° 9 5 A - f t 8. ^Distribution mains (feet) : Size, inches In use first of year I r o n G ast I r o n T r a n s it s S t e e l In use at end of vear I r o n C a st i r o n T r a n s it s S t e e l f t .0 ........................... -456. f t v ........................ 0<K f t . 9-95 f t . . . . . .. ? ------------------- 5 4 ,0 6 3 f t * ___ _ _ _______ ____ 5A ^ Q 63_.ft. _________________________ 6 2 0 2 r9 7 7 f t . A ,0 3 0 f t 2 2 3 ,8 9 8 f t . ___ _. . _A.Q3Q_f!t ft’© 8 2 ,6 1 0 f t « ____________ 32 g *_______________________________ ................................................... ................ ......... ....... JtWLM:................................................. ............... 9. EeASWl,“ _ . Type *wo enclose Capacity d - ________________________: ______________ -5£TOCvXv&----- (V\a .^.SnO.nnn era*l“lr»rva ___________ wooder 10. Purification system: Type Capacity per 24 hours .ijgLLv .U ,U q ------- ..basins------------ \16.00Q*QQ0 gallons.. per.,.date........................................................? -------------------------------------------- « ^ n ^ * BOTE: In E d itio n to the amount o f water produced for sale or use by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, as shown in Item 4 above, an amount o f 103,398*820 gallons was also produced by the w e lls and springs described on Item 1 above and o f which 73*398*820 gallons was U tilized or sold by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, lessee o f the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company, which owns the water fa c ilit ie s a t Las Vegas jo in tly with the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, and 30,000,000 gallons used in production te sts o f w ells or cleaning o f se ttlin g basinso