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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 however, I think the local area can be increased—the production can be Increased, There will be some effect on the total Valley, 162. and probably in concentrated areast the effect will show more than ether places, but 1 feel that the total amount of water; that is, the increase in a certain area—can be Increased by ptacping; that is, the net increase. Q, Are you familiar with the condition of the Water Com­pany's wells? A, 1 ass fairly acquainted with the wells, yes, Q, Will you state whether they are In good or bad condi­tion, or whether or not there is any leakage or net free them, A. I feel certain that they are all in good condition as far as I know, 1 have never determined anything that indicated upward leakage around any of them, Q, And in your opinion, would it be true that the In­stallation of pimps on these three wells would take care of your peaks, and would not render necessary the drilling of any addi­tions! wells? A, 1 feel the fact that our peak use over-all extends for three months out of the year, we might say our daily peak use where most of the complaint is for short periods of time, and if a large amount of water can be developed for those few hours a day that needs It, the effect wouldn't be so great if it were continued hours a day, which I don't think will be necessary, bet they do need a considerable cushion of water to take care of that peak load.