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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    nw m rn t h k p u b l ic m m z m oOo— is til mattes of x>iscomisuAscK of r a t i* * service to wmBm addition m vm south i cpc a -4m SETABA LARD ARC DfcTELOPMKST COMPART* I At is general session o f the Pub li e Service Commission of Nevada, hold at Its o ffic e s la Carson City, ffevad*, October 27, 10SS, r a iS I ifi Chairmen J. F, Shaughnassy Commissioner R, 8, Martin Commission*}? 8. W, Melons Secretary f*a# 3, Scott I f APPEAR I NS, that there has boon file d with the Public Service Commission o f Nevada, a complaint by the t,»a Vegas L» nd sad la t e r Company* charging that the South Nevada L*nd and Development Company have discontinued op rations as a water u t ilit y to bardie Addition o f the City o f Las Vegas, by having ceased to co lle c t water rental fo r several month* past, and XT FUBTHKR APPEARING, that the discontinuance of said service is in violation o f Section 6137, Revada Cocipil d Laws, or Section 3©§ of the Public Service Commission Law, end r r PURTKi R APPEAR INS, that under date o f August 3, 1932, the South Nevada Land and Development Company gave le g a l notice to Las Vegas Land and la t e r Company to discontinue water service to la rd ls Addition, and I f FURTHER APPEARIRS, that should Las Vegas Land and later Com any comply with such order bardie Addition would be without water service, IT IS 0!!L* RI?3>, that a hearing will be held on the above entitled matter In tbs offices of the commission at Carson City, Nevada, Tuesday, November 1®, 1932, at 10 o'clock a.m* By the Commission, (SEAL) LEI 3, SCOTT Seeratary Datedi November 1, 1932,