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I agree.I I Estimates — Water Supply Pipe June 5th* 1912. Line, Las Vegas, Nevada. 613. Mr. H. C. Nutt, General Manager, Building. Bear Sir:- Some time ago 1 was asked by Hr. Clark to procure a tender from the Reinforced Concrete Pipe Company for the construction and laying of an 10 inch guaranteed reinforced concrete pipe between the Las Vegas springs and the steel tank at Las Vegas roundhouse to replace the existing 18 inch sheet steel pipe between those points, which latter pipe is so badly corroded by salts in the soil in which it is laid that it is no longer to be depended upon. I enclose you two copies of the offer of the Concrete Pipe Company. You will note that it offers to furnish and lay an 18 inch pipe for #1.90 a foot,including payment of commercial rates for freight charges over this Company’s line between Los Angeles and Las Vegas; or for #1.35 a foot if no charge is made for freight over Company lines. This Company to pay for digging the trench in which the pipe will be laid,and for backfilling over the pipe. The Concrete Pipe Company guarantees the pipe for five years,as asked for by Mr. Clark. It is to be expected, that the life of the pipe will far exceed that period, however, as analyses made by the Concrete Pipe Company of samples of the soil taken at frequent