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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Lao Vegas - August U , ?r. e. V 23-4-4 E. Bennett: lour letter August 10 regard-lag proposed acquisition of Boulder Syndicate pipe lines. In sooordsnoe with your request I enclose a asp on whlsh I have Indicated the location of the pips lines ns near as Z con determine by oonferenoe with their agent, the contractor who pat the pipes la, and by spot excavations. Like neat of the other snail water oonpanles la Las Vegas they do not have any naps showing the location of their pipe lines and we have to determine this ourselvaa. The Boulder Syndicate lines were Install­ed la USB and are now 16 years old. They —m are too for the purpose. If we t oaorke othfe 4n* o voears tw eI rwoonu ld have to run the ay atan with an additional feeder of sufficient disaster to take the flew to the south end of the Boulder Addition vhleh is slightly higher than our eoaneetloa at Charieston Boule­vard. Bader the olrounstenses X don't propose to pay anything for the pipe linos. There Is about seventy-five ooaauaers In this addition with potential revsnuaa of $250 par aonth. I have asked their agent, Mike Papa, for a list of the ooaauaers and a Hot of the rates he is charging saoh. Paps signs to be under the impression that the Boulder Addition proper could be adequately served with the faollltlea he non has, that Is two wells; but all his dlfflwlty oenes froa the thirteen residents of Park Pises whlsh is Just oast of hln. Is i---ir to be la the dark about the ownership of pipe lines In Park Plaee and the lapressloa oeeas to prevail that the owners of ltohtesy tpuhreerheaisna a tcqhueiirre l ootns .I nteHroewsetve rI,n tDhiset priicpte lAitnteosr naety ttohbei etri,n e wIht oI asl snoo tr essoi dsehsow ln al Paa hrits P kdaeeeed, aanddv ilsae asn tyh astw eIast hneot w otuhled e baes ew lalsl - Ing to give the Tatar Company a Quitclaim Deed oovsrlng any Inter­est he had In the water aalaa and Is sure the other property owners would do likewise. X agree with Hr. Strong's conclusions, August 0, that we probably could not Iren this natter out la tine to“take over