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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ?' ' -V -'r ->.-' :> ’" x ; ' ‘ : J : ? ^ ??' r - ? " ..’ v" - y i! ' V,,''-'' j'V-v*';- .; / I i In view of present plans to dedicate the Section Center Line, It would seem that th e a exstirseteitn ga l14o"n g Tprlaancse ittso psieprev e lifnuet,u rea s pdleasncnreidb edde veabloovpem,e nts,h ouilnds tbeea d leofft beIinn g removed as provided In said Agreement. the DistricItf atsh e a pitprea nlsimnies sdieosnc rmaiibne,d aitb ovIes hies resbayt irsefqaucetsotreyd to that the portion between the north line of Section 53 at po int R and the point of "Tee" connection to pumping station near point HH, be left In place and a connection provided to the District’s proposed new 59* pipe line along the north line of Section 33, which is colored red and white on Exhibit " a ". will grant Ift hye ouD isctorniccutr ainn etahes emaebnotv e 1r5e qfute. sti,n wtihidst hc foomrp antyh e aenxyi staimnegn d1m4e"n t pitpo e tlhei neA grate emleoncta toifo n Jduense cr1,i be1d9 53n extth ata bomvaey, beand necessary, can be prepared for formal execution by the par ties thereto. Please advise. Yours truly, CSigned) WM. REINHARDT William Reinhardt