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    5- Suns^jj B ityd Los Angelos C a lif* Aug.4th * 17 Mr Arthur Maguire Chf En*gr L»A*& S .L.E .R . L°s Angeles C a l i f . Dear S ir W Ar & S, o PFice AUG Lo A 1917 J-NQMveeflt f^weusToAV. por your inform ation al would lik e to rep o rt th at the cement used in the con stru ction o f the Las Yegas 16w V i t . P ip e Water L in e, to ta le d 663.75 Tibia* I b e lie v e th is was / l i t t l e (§vg> what you ordered., fo r th at work,per haps req u irin g an adjustment w ith your store-keeper at L°s TSTegas* A l l empty sacks were ra^urned to the sto re house. There were 54 p ie ce s of ?J* round s t e e l le f^ over (30* lon g) and, th is was a lso l e f t w ith the sto re k e e p e r ^ */ c o n s tr u c tin g the p ip e lin e I in stru cted my Foreman to use only p e r fe c t pipe,an d fo llo w in g my in s tru ct % ion s, he discarded a number o f p ip e in which the only d e fe c t was a 'fin e crack . These p ip e might be o f value in p laces whore uhere was small pressure .Without counting them, I think there are p o s s ib ly 50 Or 60 p ie o e s . While you ordered approximately the lin e a l fe e t req u ired to cons tru st /the p ip e lin e , the p ip e overran in len gth ,o ein g s lig h t ly longer than 3 »6H ;in length,w hich acoounts fo r there being an excess. Very tr u ly yours v G Wk r • %<=»»v / . is s t ?- *** * * noQ ? 0 * A A 7 §) (TrtA>»