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I agree.COPY Las Vegas, Nevada October 15, 1948 * • # « # * « * # # Commissioner Smith moved that upon the completion of the proposed Bon ansa- Ch&rl es ton Highway, the City Oommlsaloners will within their power, abandon that portion of the fonopah Highway not within the new highway right of way, that Is at this time located in the 31$ of the 31$ of Section 29, and the NH$ of the U m of Seotlcn 32, both in township 20 South, Range 61 last, (provided however* the Los Angeles A Salt Lake Railroad Company, will, when requested, grant an 8© foot right of way along and between Seotlone 29 and 32, of Township 20 South, Range 61 last, between the North end of last Sonopah ©rive, along said Seotlcn line to the junction with Bonanza Road.) Notion seconded by Commissioner Bates and carried by the following votes Commissioner* Bates, Corradetti, Smith and His Honor voting ayef noee none. Helen Seott Reed City Clerk COPY