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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, March 1, 1922 to May 10, 1929, lvc000002-389


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    The Clerk next read a letter from Dr. W. S. Park, President of the City Planning Commission, which was referred to the Mayor for consideration. The Clerk thereupon read a letter to the Board from one Carol Aronovici, relative to suggestions for city planning. After due consideration, this was ordered filed. At this time C. D. Baker appeared before the Board and requested approval of plat of East Vegas View Tract and replat of Lot "L" of Park Place Addition to the City of Las Vegas. Both of said plats and also plat of Las Vegas Highland, Unit No. 1, were referred to the City Planning Commission. No further business appearing at this time a recess was declared until Wednesday evening, March 13th, at the hour of 7:30 P. M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. March 13th, 1929. At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, held on the 13th day of March, 1929, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock, P. M. PRESENT: W. B. Mundy, Mayor pro tem; Commissioners W. C. German and O. J. Smith, together with the City Attorney and Clerk. ABSENT: His Honor, the Mayor, J. F. Hesse and Commissioner Roy Neagle. Meeting called to order by Mr. Mundy, Mayor pro tem. Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner German, it was moved to revise that portion of the minutes of the meeting of March 5, 1929, pertaining to the acceptance of the bid of Roche-Axman Company so as to read as follows: Upon motion of Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner Neagle, it was moved that the bid of Roche-Axman Company for construction of oil bound gravel pavement and hydraulic cement concrete curbs on certain streets in the City of Las Vegas in accordance with Ordinance No. 131, be accepted; that the Mayor or Mayor pro tem and the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk be authorized to enter into said contract on behalf of the city, upon the furnishing of a good and sufficient bond provided in the specifications and general conditions and contract, such bond to be approved by the Board of City Commissioners. A replat of Lot "L" of Park Place Addition of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, said owners being Floy A. Gibson and Eva W. Gibson, was presented to the Board for approval. It appearing to the Board that said plat is in proper form, it was by the Board ordered, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, that the Mayor pro tem approve said plat and the City Clerk attest the same. Upon motion of Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner German, it was moved that a lease be entered into with the Austin-Western Road Machinery Company and the City of Las Vegas, for the purchase of one Weel Grader; that the Mayor pro tem be authorized to sign same and the Deputy City Clerk to attest same. Vote on said resolution was as follows: Commissioners W. C. German and O. J. Smith, and W. B. Mundy, Mayor pro tem, aye; Noes; none. At this time Mr. P. A. Simon appeared before the Board relative to ah air-port for the city. This matter was discussed at some length and finally laid over for future consideration. No further business appearing at this time a recess was declared until Friday evening, March 15th, 1929, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock, P. M.