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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-189


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    An Ordinance of the City of Las Vegas, regulating Travel and Traffic upon the public Streets; Establishing a central traffic district; and providing a penalty for the breach of any of the rules or regulations regarding traffic in this ordinance provided, and repealing ordinances Nos. 66,-68,-69,-86,-90,- 94,-120,-124,-125,-127,-141,- and 143 of the City of Las Vegas, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. was read to the Board for a second time and passed by the following vote: Commissioners Mundy, German, Hansell and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage and publication in the Las Vegas Evening Review Journal, a daily newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas, for a period of one week, six issues. Upon motion of Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner Berman the following slot machine and gaming licenses were granted. Said appli­cations being in proper form and amounts necessary for he operation of machines and tables accompanying each application. All being on file with the City Clerk. PeeWee Lunch 2 Slot Machines G. E. Robinson 2 " " Town Barbecue 3 " " A. T. McCarter 2 " " 4 Tables, 2 Devices Boulder Club 5 " " 4 Tables, 9 Devices Vegas Sweet Shoppe 17 " " J. R. Michael 1 " " Green Mill Cafe 1 " " State Cafe 3 " " J. Warren Woodard 3 " " Fountain Grill 2 " " Texaco Cafe 3 " " M. C. Day 1 " " Overland Hotel 3 " " W. E. Ferron 3 " " White Cross Drug Co. 3 " " Professional Pharmacy 3 " " Postoffice Drug Co. 3 " " Boulder Drug. 8 " " Vote on above motion being as follows: Commissioner Mundy, German and His Honor the Mayor E. W. Cragin voting aye. Noes none. Upon motion of Commissioner German, seconded by Commissioner Mundy the office of Chief of Police was declared vacant. Vote being as follows: Commissioners Mundy, German and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. Upon motion of Commissioner German, seconded by Commissioner Mundy, Mr. Clay Williams was appointed to fill the office of Chief of Police. Vote on said motion being as follows: Commissioners Mundy, German and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. On motion of Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner German, the following Resolution was duly adopted: Whereas, conditions have changed in the City of Las Vegas since the adop­tion of that certain Resolution by this Board at a recessed Regular meeting of said Board on the 17th day of April 1931, wherein it was provided among other things that until the further or other order of this Board and until further or other gaming licenses (other than licenses solely for the operation of slot machines) are reasonably necessary for the accomodation of the public and the granting of such further or other licenses will not contravene public interest and will not require an excessive amount of police protection for a City of the size of Las Vegas, Nevada having in mind the funds provided for police protection under the City's 1931 and 1932 Budgets heretofore adopted and the state of the city funds applicable to police protection, no further gaming licenses (other that licenses solely for the operation of slot machines and for additional games, at the location for which license is already granted under the provisions of Ordinance No. 165 of the City of Las Vegas) be granted, and Whereas, in the opinion of this Board under said changed conditions there is a need and demand for at least seven such gaming licenses for the quarter be­ginning July 1, 1931 and ending September 30, 1931, and the City's interest will be served thereby, Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, that until the further order of this Board not more than seven such gaming licenses shall be issued or granted for said quarter which said seven licenses shall include the renewal of the six licenses heretofore granted for the quarter beginning April 1, 1931 and ending June 30, 1931, and one additional license. The above is to taken as exclusive of licenses for slot machines. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Mundy, German and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. Thereupon, on motion of Commissioner Mundy, seconded by Commissioner German, the following Preambles and Resolution were duly adopted: Whereas, J. R. Boyer had applied in proper form for a gaming license, ex­clusive of slot machine license, for the quarter beginning April 1, 1931 and ending June 30, 1931, to operate at No. 217 North First St., and said J. R. Boyer had theretofore for a period of about twenty-seven months immediately prior thereto held licenses for gaming under previous Ordinances and laws in said City of Las Vegas, and should have been given a license for said quarter beginning April 1, 1931, as aforesaid, and