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I agree.1C ' to O. R>l LLON O 5. M 6 T T LAW OFFICE M O T T & D I L L O N 1 1 2 6 M E R C H A N T S N A T I O N A L B A N K B U I L D I N G LOS ANG E LE S , CALIFORNIA June 14th, 1915 Mr. A. S. Halsfeed, General Counsel, Salt lake Railway Co., p acific E lectric BicLg. , C I T Y . Dear s i r ; - Referring to the charge your Company makes against Standard O il Company’ s barge Ho. 8 in San Pedro Harbor, I have had the matter up with the Harbor Commission and it seems to be the opinion of Mr. Matson, the Secretary of the Board, that where such a vessel is not registered no dockage charge against it is covered by the ordinance on account of the in a b ility to determine the net registry, e tc .. He states that the City of Los Angeles does not charge unregistered lumber barges for dockage and believes that at other wharves in the Harbor such barges are charged merely according to the agreement of the p arties, irrespective of any ordinance provisions. I wish you would take this phase of the matter up with your people abd see i f we cannot by the f ir s t of July reach a conclusion whereby the charge can be remitted as nbfe being imposed by the ordinance at a l l.