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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    9 i / s ^ m Mr* F. H. Me Hsmee, General Attorney for Sarnia, Los Angeles, Calif • My dear Me : las Te gas, Ser. May 2, 1931 I 23-8 I just Lad a talk with Leo in reference to our water sake-dale which will be presented on the 8th of May, and neither Connolly or ray self concur wi th his idea of haring a publie hear­ing called her® in Las Vegas* I think it would be one of the most damaging mores we could make* fe are treating the public and all patrons in the fairest manner possible by giving the press a letter and copy of new schedule for publication; but if public hearing were called here in Las Vegas, it would, in ay opinion, stir up much more agitation than haring the hear­ing, (if such is necessary) held in Carson City. Another thing is that the general records of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company are kept in the Auditor*s office at Los Angeles, and it would mean a lot of trenable sad expense to hare the® brought here and exposed to the scrutiny of many busy-bodies, part of whom would not eren be paying water rent* I hare expressed this idea to Leo and am sending him copy of this letter, as I want to be Very plainly understood in the matter* Hoping and knowing that you can carry this thing through to a successful ending without a public hearing, as I hare talked with both Editors of our papers, and we will get favorable comment from them, and I do not anticipate that there will be any marked objections after we bare published a letter and our new schedule of rates* Yours very truly, CO - F.H .Knickerbocker, Leo A* McHamee, WALTER a. BRACK EE Vice-President & Agent