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upr000062 124


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles - March. f, 1951 Mr* A* E* Stoddard: - ' „ « (oo - Mr* E* E* Bennett (oo — Mr* W* H* Johnson At the coming hearing before the Nevada Public Service Commission at Las Vegas, in connection with our application for inorease in rates, we anticipate that Subdividers engaged in construction of Housing projects will oppose our proposed new Buie 9 covering installation of water mains to serve new developments at Las Vegas, Nevada, which provides: *9. Hew Extensions - Whenever an application for water is received which will require the Company to extend its water mains more than 50 feet, exclu­sive of the service pipe of each customer to be served, the applicant shall enter into a contract to advance sufficient money to cover the cost of making such extension* The amount advanced shall be refunded quarterly to the applicant advancing the same at the rate of 35$ of the revenue received by the Company from customers whose service lines connect with such extension for a period of ten