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    t minimum annual compensation is based upon the present wharfage and dockage charges, and i f the C ity o f lo s Angeles at any time reduces minimum compensation to be paid annually by grantee s h a ll be propor-tio n a te ly reduced. during the term o f th is perm it, f a i l to f u l f i l l the o b lig a tio n s here­in provided fo r , and the grantee s h a ll, in consequence th ere o f, e le c t to abandon and surrender th is perm it, and withdraw from said wharf, the said c it y s h a ll refund to said grantee, w ith in t h ir t y (50) days a ft e r n o tice o f such e le c tio n , any balance o f payments made in advance which would be compensation fo r th is permit from the date o f said n o tice to the end o f said yea r. a f f a ir s o f the grantee o f th is permit trftp' respect to the business o f said grantee transacted a t, upon, or over said wharf, under th is perm it, s h a ll be kept at the C ity o f lo s Angeles; and in the event that i t be­comes necessary fo r said Board o f Harbor Commissioners, or any o f i t s members, or any person designated by said Board, or any other o f f i c e r o f said c it y , to make such examination at any place other than the said C ity o f Los Angeles, then, and in that event, a l l costs and expenses necessary or in ciden t to such examination s h a ll be paid by said grantee. signated by said Board, or any other o f f i c e r o f said c it y in whom the power to make such examination o f the books, accounts, and other records .showing the a ffa ir s and business o f said grantee in the use o f said wharf under said permit may at any time h e re a fte r be vested to make such"ex­amination fo r the purpose o f determining or ascerta in in g Such annual r e c e ip ts , or the amount o f such annual compensation, or to f a i l or refu se to pay any expenses in cid en t to such examination, as h e re a fte r the wharfage and dockage charges below the charges now fix e d , the Hinth: In case the C ity o f Los Angeles s h a ll, in any year Tenth: A l l books, accounts, and other records showing the Any re fu s a l or fa ilu r e on the part o f said grantee to permit the members o f said Board o f Harbor Commissioners, or any person de­- 7 -