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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1944 Referring to our recent telephone conversation regarding anticipated excess expenditures Work Orders 2013 and 2029 Water Wells at Las Vegas, Nevada. fhe accounts now show unexpended balance WO 2029 amount |611.94 and Work Order 2013 amount #6046.90. Total $6658.84, whereas the estimated amount of work to be done amounts to $27333.06 chargeable to investment accounts, less value of 1265 ft. retired water line between wells No. 4 and connection near well No. 2. The above figures are not final as analysis of accounts now being made have developed a^duplication of charges for material amounting to approximately #14,000.00, this fluplication being caused by auditor charging materials ordered on your requisition direct to the Work Orders and later requiring issuance of Forms 502-1 which were prepared from the statement furnished with your letter of August 6 1942. * At present it appears that the only work done not specifically provided under original appropriations was the new settling basin referred to in your telegram S-33 March 20, 1942 stating Mr. Ashby's ?telegram that date authorized construction new settling basin WO 2029 estimated cost #3800.00. In connection with your statement of materials used, furnished with your letter of August 6, 1942, please confirm our understanding that it represents all the materials used in these wells and any excess charges are a duplication. In this connection we find a charge in April reading: 1942 accounts 112 11 2 FORM 4205 #312 Rental Drilling Bits $502 20 3/4" T 44 Wright 196 12 3/8" T 43 " A29 9 5/8" T 43 " FORM 242 20 3/4”* T 4 4 12 3/8" T 43 9 5/8" T 43 #224 May 1942 Wright IT Drilling IT Bit IT #156.00 93.00 144.00 ##9#.00 156.00 93.00 144.00 #393.00 IT ff