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\ - 2 - Further, in connection w ith a p p lic a tio n s fo r perm ission to appropriate p u b lic waters o f the State o f Nevada, our deeds Audit Nos* 3324 and 332b, we are requ ired to in s t a ll su ita b le measuring device so that a l l water used can be accu rately measured and submit p ro o f o f the a p p lic a tio n o f such water to b e n e fic ia l use* and the absence o f a r e s e r v o ir i t i s not d e sira b le to in s t a ll a meter a t the intake to measure t o t a l water in p ip e lin e s and another meter a t the end o f the 16* main to measure water furnished the Las Vegas Land and la t e r Co. as the cost o f two la rg e meters would p r a c t ic a lly equal the cost o f metering each sp ecia l use, which arrangement is recommended in order to have inform ation as to amount o f water used through each o f the variou s d is trib u tio n lin e s . s a tis fa c to r y fo r a l l purposes and enable us to fu rn ish complete data fo r p ro of requ ired on our showing o f b e n e fic ia l use o f th is water to State A u th o ritie s under a p p lic a tio n s on f i l e , which procedure is necessary to p ro te c t our water r ig h ts . meters as con sideration had not at th at time been given to th e ir in s t a lla t io n . Owing to arrangement o f pipe lin e s at the intake The in s t a lla t io n o f meters recommended w i l l be No p ro v isio n was made in 192? Budget fo r proposed Yours very tr u ly , 3a