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I agree.RE APPRAISEMENT OF-LOTS IN CLARK’ S IAS "VEGAS TOWHSITE. las Vegas, Nev. Apr. 6th 1911 Mr. H. I. Bettis, Vice Pres. & Audr. L. V. 1. & W. Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Lear Sir: I heg to acknowledge receipt of your letter under date of April 4th in reference to re-appraisement of lots at Las Vegas Paragraph 1. In reference to Lots in Block 9, price Being $200.00 instead of $150.00 I will look into this matter thoroughly within the next day or two and explain to you personal ly the latter part of this week, at which time I hope to "be in Los Angeles for a day. Paragraph 2. In reference to lots in Block IV. I think you'did not quite understand my former letter in connection with this matter. These lots could he sold to the classes of people whom I designated without our having to make any different clause in connection with Block 17, that class of people not caring whether property is restricted from saloon district or not. And as I am one of the Lirectors of the Chamber of Commerce and was at the different meetings during the time they were drafting the Incorporation Act, I know that there is not a business man of this town but would favor the idea of having that class of people located in the North end of town. While I am not sure I do not think there will ever be any City Government Ordinances restricting the sale of liquor other than