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O -P Application No-i.Q5.Q3. Certificate Record No..2.8..2.2____ Book....9-......... ...... P age.232.9.... T H E S T A T E O F N E V A D A C E R T IF IC A T E O F A PP R O P R IA T IO N O F W A T E R Whereas,.__ ^..?.§....Y.§^?..?...Q^5.4...Snd„;:_S.ter_Company,,...........has presented to the State Engineer of the State of Nevada Proof of Application of Water to Beneficial Use, from.............. ................................................ _____ An Underground Sour c e (Las Vegas V a l l ey A rtesian Basin)_______ _____ through__ ____________________ :_..... .......... ......... .....for............. ......—---- ------------ ------- Municins1 Supply and Domestic purposes. The point of diversion of water from the source is as f o l l o w s —55:A— J'OWT1 - h i tn 5^ P'pri iu 7*5 n OT* P +? p tn r>+? ArrT: jk)si If. • .* IV __* t i t. 9-JA JS *—SUJL—SXxjl—c*—U.U-LXLu —i - l -UI------ymaJ-hLXl -CpU H ful hisdp.- ----r--1< -? ~%- Kt n on ^ P? T"» cro \r T"v Q o | /r . q£_: O -f- * TN A1 1" r of said S e c t ion 31 bear s S . 30° 48 * _3?. yn. u. ..vr’. M .. 99 1 in..............CA 1l aJ ry~klr.................. ?..... ....Countv, State of Nevada. Now Know Ye, That the State Engineer, under the provisions of Section---- L— , Chapter..— ........, Statutes of ________________ ___r____1 9 3 7 .......... .......................... ................ ............ has determined the date, source, purpose and amount of such appropriation, together with the place to which such water is appurtenant, as follows: N_ - ame orf appropri• ator iTd —33 SQL -mJUL 5p? ^i=r.ns Jc? — "T £ £.4i*—rS rPt nT A Voff. Yq_t*. . ..fv' .(m\rirm rjii&cnajvje----------------------- Post-office address......... T S.S....YPiAS^...Pp.V£:^.S-. Amount of appropriation Q. • .9.9.. .C , f S ,---------------- .—------------- ------------------- Period of use, from.......Y ?P P P r Z ..i P P ................................................................... ofeacb year Date of priority of appropriation...... ....... —.AAsJf— -------------------------------------- _D escri. pti. on o,t —w...b...r..k...s.. ...o...i..’ ...d.- iv—e r..s...i..o...n...,* ....m....a. .n...n..e..r.. ...a...n...d.— -*p• la-c--e-- ---o--f-- --u---s--e--:----------------------- Water obtained by means o f a cased we ll 801 f get.,....the.nce .aw.aWttXii. Jv ESpSJ vr. pV- .Hvt. through 1100 f e e t o f t r a n s i t e pipe to a s e t t l T1 cr b a s in : thence -.-t-Vh.d.r4Aough 24 inch s t e e l pipe and 2 4 inch t r a n s i t e r a d i s t a n c e o f approxi n a t e l v 1 . 5 4 0 f e e t t o a 2 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 0 a a l l oil concr e te r e s e r YQir*_ . t { ? drawn from r e s e r v o i r f o r municipal sunnly . and...dom£ the p ip e l i n e s y s t em owned and operated by th e Las Vegas Land and W ater Company.__ P l ane o f use i s in th e SVZ^...^nd...S.^._SE^-oil.-Qej^iQn_.27 ; ..SEg_p f— Sectipn„3.3.,^.nnd_lth£-..M^i_.QLf--S.ejc-tion_^--5-7._.To-\msiixp--2£)__S^ , feange b l E . r M . ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The right to water hereby determined is limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, not to exceed the amount above specified, and the use is restricted to the place where acquired and to the purpose for which acquired. > In Testimony W hereof, I__ D .JE M J.T T „ _ S M JT Ji....................... , State Engineer of Nevada, have hereunto set mv hand and the seal of my office, this orded Jan uary 1 1 , 1945, Bk. 2 e r A p p ro p ria tio n s, Page 32 of- January A. D. 19...45, ,^s/___A^x§.d.MeXMiJkt_Smi^h______ Stale Engineer.