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    Jlimu'rr Sitlr Juuuranrr uni) Cruat (Cumpattg Bay 9, 1953 -5- Isrthaeotarly along th« cantor of the allay ao daocrlbod to tha Borth"TTR»Nef said Block ii; thonoo HorttawaterlValeae tho Barth lino of Block 11 to tha condor lino oi Xlovanth Street; thaaoa along a curvk to tha Uft ta an Intersec­tion nth tha north lino of Phirvlev Croat, tha oaaa being tha Booth line of tha Boylet o f Orond-rlaw Mdltlar- which artST^C lntarooation la opproxiaotaly 2 0 fast Easterly from the Southeast ooraar of Lot 5 in Black k of jtha Raplat of Chond- vlav Addition; thanks Westerly along tha Booth lino of tha Bsplat OreadvAv Addition to tha B ut lino of Tenth Btrhotr^thonco B rthorly along tha Boat lino of Tenth Street to the Barth liaa of Bastion 35, the i w i talagjtho Barth lino of tha Rqplat of Qrandvtejf Addition; thanaa Baa ter ly along aald Berth lias fo the Joint of bag Inning. Said orairt— latlan ardor did aaaonento heretofore granted owned by tha las Togas Land provide for the retention of eated for existing liana .tar Canpany. 8. Liana eroaaiag Lata 3 to 8 in&Mlwo In Blank 9 o f Phlrvia* Tract and Lota 6 and 7 la Block X o * tha Beplat of Qroadviov Addition, the only lastnawat of rooord is on tha (Braadriew Water Pont any, Inc. ta tho Lna Ti Water Ooapany wwillii tha liana and tha oortlfloata of ash lie conveyance, which lastarunar-t « u recorded July 28, 19AA as Daeunsnt Bo. 18*103, Clark County, Bovada roearde. 9. Lina laoatod in tho alloy la Blank 18 of Bunks Subdivision hatnaan Mesquite Aranas and Blath Street. Thia allay was raaatad by ' M r o f City OaMlaolonara which ardor was re­corded BarMbar 11, 19*5 as Doeuasat Ba. 207333, Clerk Oaanty, Bavada records, thorn is a east las aada that r stoat 1m of assonants for yAlli utilities was roaoaaandad by tha Planning O w l solan, howovor, tho ardor does ant resits that sash oats-asnts art ta ho ratal nod, thorefero, tha afPaot of tho or«ar as ta tha rataattaa at existing oooommXo ia yaaatlaaahla.