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RESOLUTION #1. WHEREAS, the Board deems it to the Lest interests of the City of Las Vegas that the proposed highway through the City of Las Vegas to connect with Route 6 of the State Highway System be selected as running from the East City limits to the North City limits via Fremont Street and Main Street, and that of the whole distance of said route of 3.203 miles, there be built 2.832 miles of gravel surface and 0.370 mi. of hard surface: such hard surface to be of concrete, allin accordance with the specification prepared and recommended by the State Highway Commission., Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the Route as above mentioned be and the same is hereby selected, adopted and established, and that the portions as above mentioned be built of the respective material as above mentioned. RESOLUTION #2 RESOLVED that routing of the proposed Federal Aid Highway through the City of Las Vegas, as follows, to-wit: South on Fifth Street, from the northerly City limits to Fremont Street; West on Fremont Street to Main Street and South on Main Street to the Southerly City limits be and the same is hereby approved by this Board. The vote on said motion was as follows:- Commissioners Matzdorf, Anderson, Elwell and His Honor the Mayor, W. C. Gorman, Aye. Noes, none. The following Resolution was adopted upon motion of Commissioner, Matzdorf, seconded by Commissioner Elwell:- RESOLVED THAT the Board of City Commissioners deems it to the best interests of the City of Las Vegas that the routing through the City of the Proposed Federal Aid Highway be selected as running from the northerly City Limits south on Main Street to Fremont Street; thence Bast on Fremont Street to Fifth Street; thence South on Fifth Street to the Southerly City limits, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that immediate construction be terminated at the intersection of Fremont and Fifth Streets until the routing of the Highway south of said City of Las Vegas has been established. The vote on said Resolution was as follows:- Commissioners Matzdorf, Anderson, Elwell and His Honor the Mayor, W. C. German, Aye. Noes, none. The matter of securing necessary rights of way prior to construction of said proposed Highway, Mayor German appointed the following committee; to-Wit: Commissioners Matzdorf and Anderson, who were directed to confer with Division Engineer C. C. Boyer in securing necessary rights of way. At this time H. Case appeared before the Board regarding the Volunteer Fire Department, asking that one of the members of said Fire Department be designated to keep fire equipment in proper repair at a salary of $20.00 per month. Upon motion of Commissioner Matzdorf, seconded by Commissioner Anderson it was ordered that the Resolution appointing Leo A. Crowley Fire Chief of the City of Las Vegas at a salary of $20.00 per month, passed and adopted on the 4th day of June, 1924 be and the same is hereby rescinded and declared void, to be effective April 1, 1923. The vote on said Motion was as follows: Commissioners Matzdorf, Anderson, Elwell and His Honor the Mayor, W. C. German, Aye. Noes, none. Thereupon the matter of the appointment of a member of the Volunteer Fire Department to keep the Fire equipment in repair was referred to Commissioner Elwell. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time it was ordered, upon motion of Commissioner Matzdorf seconded by Commissioner Anderson that the Board adjourn until Wednesday, March 12, at seven-thirty, p.m. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. MAR. 12, 1924. At a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, held on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1924. Present His Honor the Mayor, W. C. German, with Commissioners F. E. Matzdorf, C. R. Shield, A. R. Anderson and W. H. Elwell to-gether with the City Attorney, A. W. Ham, and the City Clark. At this time the Board took up the matter of certain rumous current regarding the conduct of the Police & Fire Department. Leo A. Crowley, City Marshall, was called sworn and testified uoon examination by the mayor, Commissioners and the City Attorney. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, it was ordered, upon