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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Aug. 8. 1906, Mr. Panne! '-Oherrington, Assistant General Attorney. Salt Lake City,, Utah, .Mg' .bear 'S ir; I have to 'Acknowledge receipt of yours of the 5rd lust* in acknoi/1 edgement o f mine of -the hist ult, transmitting'Copies o f questions propounded by the' Ooiariittee of Traffic hen to the CkK.mittes ©f Counsel and answers thereto, and jfete your inquiry as to question 21 on page 8 of the copy of questions and answers. You are right; in your assumption that the committee of attorneys in making the answer referred to had in mind and based it -upon the various provisions of the Interstate Goiaoerce Law cited by •you,' a ll of which are in their terms opposed to the granting-to shippers of such specialvfavors as are indicated in question 21». There in no doubt that the payment of money to a shipper on an invalid claim as -a matter of policy is inimical to several provisions 'and to the general sp irit.o f the Interstate Commerce Law, which seeks to y prevent the exhibition by a, carrier of any favoritism to any shipper and the securing of business by a carrier by the giving to the shipper of anything, of value outside; of the contract of se^riee^Or the render* ing |f any service which does not come clearly within the terms of the contract of car|*iage and is not fully .paid for by the a^ertised ta r iff charges of the carrying comp Very sincerely yours,