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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    hm Y«ga§ * March § 45 Mr, m« s, »&rk# « a®n© { oo - Mr. E, 1, Bennett Mr, 0, X, Coxy) a«f«rrtag to Hr, Bennett1# letter March 7 tli, and supplementing mine of March 2nd regarding AS-298, proposing a fere percent tax m nue# of public utilitiesl $ m ® reve­2 believe t&*> amendment proposed fay Mr* Bennett would fae beneficial, but I suggest the Insertion of the word# *or other consideration* after “permit fee*, the reason for tbit is that the LVLfcW Co, does not pay the City a money fe* for our existing permit to use the oity street# and alley#, last w# da grant them a consideration in the for® of free water service for fire hydrant# and municipal buildings, 'ihe same is true of the local poorer coqpssiy, which grants the City & special lev rat# for street lighting, etc. A, M, f*elger