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I agree.lea Angeles — Ju ly 22, 1927* Mr* w, B, Armstrong: 3 so~s a Pleaso bo referred to Hr. Kai ckorbooker’ s le tte r o f Juno 8th* f i l e 9215-358, authorising work on pip© lin o at k ittle bpriuga to the se ttlin g basin at Las Vegas as uooa as material is available; subject o f your f i l e 9215t The improvement is oovorod by approved W* 0 , 7393 and 1 understand the material is now at Las Vegas, and in view o f the fa ct that advance authority was given, I believe we should rush the work to early completion* at the present tin e , the b oilers at the power house are being r©bricked, necessitating one unit being o f f the lin e , and with the shortage o f water which has been apparent during June and July, i t has been necessary to operate the f i r e pump to maintain pressure in the \mtor lin o s , thereby causing an overload on the b o ile rs as w ell as additional operating expanse, which would be eliminated with the R. L. ADAMSON B, L* .damson. oeHBr* P* H* HhiCkerbocher* LTJ-crib