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Wat©r c o o lin g system lias Vegas, Nevada Los Angeles, A p r il 21, 1916. F ile 613. Mr. F. E. Davisson: I enclose skeleton drawing o f the Las Vegas Shop b u ild in g , upon which the Johns-Manville Company has in dicated the p o s itio n o f the drinking fountains i t proposes- to in s t a ll in connection with the drinking water system i t is furnishin g fo r that p la c e . The number used is eleven , and while we do not want to use so many as to retard the proper working o f the machine, I think the spacing is too sca ttered and have wired the Joh n s-'ian ville 'ompany that they Should provide m aterial f o r at le a s t f i v e more. Under th e cont/act we are e n title d to twenty-two but th at number seems to me to Jp too many and i f we try to iise them a l l , we w i l l fin d that some w ill not be used and w i l l be in the way. / The Jolufs-Manvilie scheme i s in d icated in y e llo w lin e s and I hav showf in red c ir c le s , the p o s itio n o f the fountains I think should be used. We, o f course, w i l l re c e iv e c r e d it fo r the number 2>essv t|Lan twenty-two. W ill you k in d ly consider th is , and in d icate on the blank drawing sent you, the arrangement which would be d e sira b le from your point o f view . I w ill then take i t up with the Johns-ffeuville Company f o r an adjustment, which w i l l meet your views as n early as may be without in t e r fe r in g with the operation o f the system from th e ir p oin t o f view . AM/VHJ. Chief Engineer.