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USES The “ Equiscale" Visible Vacuum Chlorinator is applicable to chlorination for any purpose . . . some of the varied uses are: W AT ER SUPPLIES Protection of drinking water SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANTS B.O.D. Reduction— Odor Control SW IM M IN G POOLS Sterilization— Sanitation POW ER PLANTS— O IL REFINERIES Slime control— improved efficiency ? of heat exchange units PAPER M ILLS Slime controW^ibcreased production improved product quality R A W FOOD PROCESSING Prevention of Bacterial Spoilage SHELLAC PLANTS— STARCH M ILLS Water Supply?—Bleaching TANNERIES Sanitation— eliminating anthrax FISHERIES Prevention of Bacterial Spoilage D AIRIES AND CREAMERIES Bottle and Utensil sterilization. Butter washing—prevention of bacterial spoilage O IL WELLS Slime control— increased flow in pipe lines and sand for flooding RUBBER M ILLS Surface oxidation—preventing sticking of sheets and rubberized fabrics T EX TILE M ILLS— RA YO N PLANTS Water Supply— Bleaching W & T ‘ ‘Equiscale" Visible Vacuum Chlorinator . operating in New Haven Water Works, New Haven, Conn. FILM M ANUFACTURE Water supplyb^improved quality of product For more than a quarter century the name of W &T has been synonomous with all that is best in chlorination for any purpose,. W &T Chlorinators have been making enviable performance records all over the world. The “ Equiscale" Chlorinator is in every respect a worthy member of this time tested group of W &T Visible Vacuum Chlorinators . . . built to continue this record of accurate, dependable service. C O N V E N I E N C E Wherever you are, you’re not more than a few hours from a W &T Branch Office staffed by chlorination specialists. Whether 'your requirements are water purification, sewage disposal, swimming pool sterilizing, slime control, bleaching, oxidation or other industrial process . . . W &T is ready to b e 'o f service. Communicate with any W &T office ?listed above or direct with Chlorination Headquarters’— Wallace & Tiernan Co., Inc., Newark, New Jersey. “ The O n ly S a fe W ater is a S te rilize d W ater” W A L L A C E & T IE R N A N C o l In c. M an u factu rers of C hlorine and A m m on ia C ontrol A pparatu s N ew ark, N ew Jersey Branches In P rincipal Cities Printed in U. S. A.