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I agree.L a s V e g a s L a n d a n d W a t e r C o m p a n y E . E . C ^ p t/ IN , PRESIDENT, OMAHA, NEBR. C . C . B A R R Y , AUDITOR, LOS ANGELES, CAL. C . H . B L O O M , SECRETARY, LOS ANGELES, CAL. W . F . T R U E L S E N , T r e a s u r e r , L o s A n g e l e s , c a l . IS O F F IC E S C H A R L E S A D A M S , AGENT, P a c if ic El e c t r ic b u il d in g L o s ANGELES, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL. W A L E R R . B R A C K E N , V ic e - P r e s id e n t a n d a g t . L a s V e g a s , n e v . a n d L a s V e g a s , N e v a d a m t Los Angeles* California December 14, 1929 LY 235-358 Mr. W. R. Bracken, Las Vegas, Nevada . Dear Sir:- Referring to your letter of the 12th inst., your file W-29-1 (CLVT), regarding 1929 taxes on Lots 5 and 6, Block 23, Clark's Las Vegas Towns ite* sold Thomas D. Fanatia: Due to the fact that deed to the above lots had not been handled to completion prior to the time of preparation of our voucher covering taxes on property in Clark County, taxes on these lots were paid 5y this company. Yours truly, Agent