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Las Vegas Land and W ater Company C A R L R. G R A Y , P r e s id e n t . O m a h a . N e b r . F. H. K N IC K E R B O C K E R , V ic e -p r e s ., L o s A n g e l e s . C a l . C., H. B LO O M , S e c r e t a r y . L o s A n g e l e s , c a l . C^ C. B A R R Y , A u d i t o r . Los A n g e l e s . C a l . W . F. T R U E L S E N , T r e a s u r e r . L o s A n g e l e s , c a l . C H A R L E S A D A M S , A g e n t . L o s A n g e l e s , c a l . W A L T E R R. B R A C K E N . V ic e -P r e s . a n d a g t . L a s V e g a s . N e v . A R T H U R SW E ITZ E R , a s s i s t a n t A g e n t L a s V e g a s . N e v . Las Vegas, Nevada June 7, 1929 Mr, F* H* Knickerbocker, Gen* Mgr* L.A. & S.L. R.R. Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Dear S ir: Referring to our recent conversation in reference to assessed valuation against Las Vegas Land and Water Company main system here in Las Vegas, I herewith enclose the Nevada Tax Commission B ulletin No. 42, which shows an increased assessment on our water mains from|S5,000 to #5,000 covering year 1929. I also note that assessed valuation against our pole lin e , which we have under contemplation o f sale to Consolidated Power & Telephone Company, is assessed at the same figures as 1928, whieh is $5,000. Yours tru ly, WALTER R. BRACKEN Vice-President and Agent WRB-MC vdris 9215-355 Las Vegas Townsite - Water System - LVL&W Co. Copy 085-355Las Vegas - Sales o f water & elec by LA&SL to LVL&W