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    s First Revised Sheet P.S.C.N. Mo. 6A Original CaSnhceeelt sP.S.C.N. No. 6A Las Vegas Land and Water Co. Las Vegas, Nevada. 9 (o). Defense Housing Projects: Subject to the approval of the Publio Servloe Croemfmuinsds ioofn ,t het heo osCto mpofa nyc ownisltlr ucetnitnegr wianttoe r oomanitnrsa,o tsa dfvoarn cetdhe by others, to and within Defense Housing Projects, locat ed in the present oity limits of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada , but within a dlstanoe from the Company's nearest existing water main, equal to not more than 20 feet multiplied by ptahen y nutom becron sotf ruhcotu sewsi twhhiln ohs uoshu ophr oojtehoetr.s agrAe ed ewfientshe thHeo usCionmg­Projeot within the meaning of this rule is a projeot under whioh the party oontraotlng with the Company constructs within a subdivision, the plat of whloh has been filed with the County Reoorder of Clark County, Nevada, not less than twenty (20) dwelling houses, but at least one dwelling house wfiotrh iena chs ufoihf tsyu bd(i50v)i sifoene.t of Susouohh cwoanttrearc tm aisnhsa llo opnrsotvriudoet edt hat psaurothy waotoentrr amoatilnsn g swhiatllh bteh e ooCnosmtpraunoy taendd atu ndteher otohse t soufp erthvei sion Caonmdp ainny ;a cctohradt anscueo hw iwtathe rth em aionuss tosmhaarlyl bsep eocwinfeidc,a tioopnesr atoefd ,t hea nd maintained by the Company upon the completion of the construc­toioonnt ratohetrlenogf wiatndh tthhae t Cotmhep anCyo mptahne y oosshta llt hreerefoufn d ift o antdhe whpeanrty nsuamibde rp arotfy hosuhsaelsl hraevqeu ioroemdp blye tesda idt heo onctornascttr,u cwtiitohni no f 24t hem onths oftrhoem r trhee asdoantea bloef psruoovhi soioontnrsa onto.t inScuoonhs iosotnternato tw imtahy thoeo ntoatlhne r provisions of this rule. This rule shall remain in effeot only during the present National Emergency. 10. The Company may charge Five and no/lOOth Dollars ($5 .0 0 ) for eaoh tapping of water mains, to be paid by the owner or oonsumer ordering the same. speolf11l.o allFyl atr amtoend thslhya llr abtee s fifxoer d anbyy sspeervolioael onootn trhaeorte,i n sub­ject to the approval of the Publio 8ervloe Commission. IViscseu-ePdr ebys idWeanltt era ndR. AgBernatcken Effective: January 29, 1942. copy