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    Hr. f.W. Books* Page § Bept. 26, 1960 the same period. Me also stated th at the rate of measured withdrawals from the Basin increased from 22,000 acre fe e t in 1941 to over 34,000 acre fe e t in 1949 and th at these figures did not include the estimated withdrawals caused by leakage, evaporation e tc . I t was h is opinion th at the in s ta lla tio n o f meters would re lie v e the pressure deficiencies complained o f and would save a considerable amount o f e a te r. la s tly , he suggested th at there would be no necessity to d r i l l ad d itio n al w ells i f pumps w e r e in s ta lle d on the Water Company w ells 9, 10 and 11. fg® | in s ta lla tio n , in his ©pinion, would increase production approximately 4,000,000 gallons per day and that he thought th is production could be maintained during peak periods without m aterial e ffe c t upon other e xis t­ing w ells. a t th is p o in t, a reoess was taken and representatives o f the la te r Company and the C ity got together and agreed to a s tip u la tio n th at the la te r Company would immediately arrange to in s ta ll pumps on one or more o f the three wells mentioned by Mr. Jameson and would make a report to the Public Service Commission by January 1, 1961, o f the increased production due to pumping, and the e ffe c t upon o th er nearby w ells. The Commission agreed th at i t would withhold any fu rth e r action in the present proceedings u n til such report was received and i f i t was convinced th at such action would temporarily solve the present troubles, no fu rth e r order would be issued in the case. S. 1. Bennett