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I agree.fc-iM * | ? % Ocneral balance iihcet •• Sunjiaat^ Month o f November - 191S. I S AMCXJHT ASSET SIDE R eal E sta te Unimproved improved R eal E state & M iscellan eou s p ro p erty Inveatsoent In Securities to tal CURRENT ASSETS M a te ria l and Supplies 5. Cash 6. M iscellaneou s Accounts Receivable i m 255 548 .,75 ISO 500.34 1 375.00 787.86 32 700.77 4 871.17 38 359.80 DEFERRED A33ETS 7. u tber D eferred A ssets TOTAL 5 529.11 5 5AVa11 UNADJUSTED DEBITS Water Franchise Expense 9. E le c t r ic L ig h t System Franchise 10® Insurance Premiums Paid in Advance TOTAL 286.72 44.62 330.03 669o3? M TOTAL 492 382.37 LIABILITY SIDE STOCK 11. C a p ita l Stock TOTAL 50 000.00 50 OOOoOO AFFILIATED COMPANIES l i £ . Loa A ngeles & S a lt Lake R.R.Co.-Loans TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 12. Vouchers payable UNADJUSTED CREDITS Accrued D ep recia tio n 14. Other Unadjusted C red its 15o Accrued Taxes Estimated Accounts Repayable TOTAL 16 TOTAL CORPORATE SURPLUS P r o fit and Loss Credit Balance TOTAL Loa Ahfioiaa, C a lifo r n ia , A u ditor*a O ffice., January ? IS . IT 151 712.17 6 174.78 43 066.16 6 967o38 2 790.66 151 712.17 6 174.78 GRAND -TOTAL