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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    E. E. B. • Los Angeles - '^y ^ # '1^9 1-733* Mr* A. M. Folger: B. E. D. , . WAY 2 6 1949 (oo Mr. E. E. Bennett) Referring to your letters of April 29th and May 17th, flle*W-25, regarding suggested new rates for private swimming pools: The correspondence has heretofore concerned only private pools, and developed from our proposal to reoognize that it was not equitable to charge the operator of a small private pool the same rate as that oharged for public pools. The operation of the latter is usually governed by local health regulations requiring frequent draining, cleaning and refilling, and Involve the use of water greatly in exoess of private pools. As it appears from Mr. SootBs letter of April 5th that members of the Commission recognize the fairness of establishing a lower rate for private pools, I am unable to understand why you make a comparison of the revenue under the present and proposed rates for the several pools listed, most, if not all, of whloh would not be affeoted by the proposed rate. Further, if, as you state, the Corn* mission would probably refuse any differential between public and private pool rates, then undoubtedly it would not approve a flat rate of flO for private and #30 for public pools as you suggest. The whole Intent of the alternate suggested rate schedules is to offer the operators of private pools an Inducement to conserve water by offering a low rate to those Installing and maintaining circulatory systems. The flate rate of #10 per month you suggest would, I believe, only defeat our purpose. As suggested in my letter of April 26th, we should endeavor to secure approval of the first suggested sohedule. This would: (1) Permit the operator to secure a low rate if the pool is equipped with circulatory facilities only so long as such facilities are maintained and operated. Based on a normal use of water for suoh pools, we estimated the quantity of water used over a three-month period would approximate twice the oapaoity of the pool, producing a revenue of ap­proximately 15^ per thousand gallons. (2) Permit the Water Company to refuse service to private pool not so equipped, unless the owner paid the regular sohedule rate of #30 per month.